Elliott Wave Weekly Report vol.324(Published May11, 2024)


Elliott Wave Weekly Report vol.324(Published May11, 2024)


Elliott Wave Weekly Report vol.324(Published May 11, 2024)

Weekly reports are published weekly with explanations of Elliott wave counts for all indices, with a focus on the Nikkei 225, S&P 500, Russell 2000, NASDAQ, USD/JPY, etc.
Translated versions are handled by professional translators and are published every two weeks!

The Elliott Wave Institute has counted approximately 200,000 charts over the past eight years and reports on them weekly.

The total number of charts in the report is approximately 15,000.

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The reports published by the Institute are designed for the purpose of studying the Elliott Wave Principle.
One of the prerequisites for writing the report is that we do not yet know if the Elliott Wave Principle is correct. To that end, research is underway and this report is a progress report on that research.
The report presents assumptions about future market trends for each chart, but it is clear that these are not subjective market predictions.
Strict application of the rules and guidelines of the Elliott Wave Principle to the charts inevitably leads to multiple assumptions, of which those that are judged to conform to the majority of the guidelines are designated as "top assumptions" and are introduced in the newsletter using expressions such as "main assumptions" and "subassumptions," in order from the superior ones In the newsletter, the "main assumption" and "subassumptions" are introduced in order of excellence. In the newsletter, "main assumptions" and "subassumptions" are presented in order of superiority. Therefore, the "Main Assumptions" in the Newsletter are not meant as a reference guideline for transactions. Furthermore, this report is not intended to make any judgments about the market.


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