Purpose of Incorporation

Although the Elliott Wave Principle is well-known by name, we rarely see examples of its accurate understanding and correct application. Moreover, it has not been proven that the Elliott Wave Principle itself is correct. We are working to reconstruct the most correct Elliott Wave Principle without subjectivity and ambiguity by objectively observing actual charts, compiling a database, and conducting statistical analysis.

At this point, we do not know whether our research will result in the establishment of a highly practical technical method called the “Elliott Wave Correction Principle,” or whether we will conclude that the Elliott Wave Principle was simply an “occult.

Until a satisfactory answer is derived, I will continue to read the numerous writings of my predecessors and collect chart data on a daily basis.

Please help us to present to the world the correct Elliott Wave Principle analysis and the results of our research!


Collection and analysis of chart data

Publishing an e-mail magazine as a research report (once a week in principle)

Holding seminars and lectures

Organizing the Elliott Wave Society of Japan

Presentations at various study groups and academic conferences

Providing information for professionals

Writing books and producing DVDs and distributing videos on YouTube

Date of establishment January 2017

Invoice registration number: T4010005026317

1-11-3, Nihonbashi-Kakigaracho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Nakagin Nihonbashi Mansion 910